Workshops and Demos

Dragon Workshop

Would you like to carry your (future) baby in a carrier or wrap but are not quite sure how it works? Have you already started carrying and could use some help?

Then the carrying workshop is definitely for you!

Two carrying consultants, Hilde (midwife) and Caroline, are ready to provide you with personal advice.

  • When? 03/10/2024 - 7 PM - 9 PM
  • Where? Ginderbroek 66 1A, 2400 Mol
  • Fee? 20 euros/person

Baby language workshop (initiation)

Did you know that your baby cries differently when he is hungry than when he is uncomfortable?

Learn to understand your baby better through this introductory baby language workshop.

This will take place on 06/10/2024 in our store starting at 5 PM.

  • Sessions of 30 minutes with a maximum of 6 people per session
  • Animated by Gerda Wuyts, midwife and care teacher.

Questions? Get in touch!